Get the
50-8-3-1 Method Session and Guide 

Consider this a one-on-one strategy session that takes you step-by-step alongside the guide to help you curate your own specialized ACTION PLAN based on your unique business and goals. It should take just over an hour to get through, and you'll walk away with a complete plan to start implementing to get your next clients closed!

zero clients to closing in 12 weeks or less! 

Understanding your goals and how to figure out how many clients you need to get in front of to reach those  exact goals tailored to your specific business.

Define your Annual Money Goals

Strategies for your Ideal Client

Get clear on your ideal customer and create your action plan to your strengths and strategies. Breakdown these strategies into actionable tasks to begin tracking for success. 

what you'll learn here: 

Create your Customized Roadmap

Imagine this: in just over an hour session, you'll have a custom roadmap ready to roll out over the next 6-12 weeks!